Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Red Wheelbarrow by W.C. William

After reading the poem The Red Wheelbarrow by W.C. William, I wonder how a simple short-worded poem is considered poetry.  It is not until I read it once again that I was able to comprehend the essence to the poem and see the true beauty of it.
I realized The Red Wheelbarrow is a poem of imagery and each line play off each other.    The imagery depicted are in the description of the colors used in the poem such as “red” for the wheelbarrow; the “glazed” with the rain water; and the “white” chicken.  The image gives a sense of simplicity.  You can consider the objects in the poem, and say that wheelbarrow and the chicken are useful everyday resources.  A county living farmer may view the wheelbarrow, chicken, and rain as a means for survival and a source of income.  Whereas a printer my view them as natural object that transformed/transcend into pure beauty. The redness of the wheelbarrow and the whiteness of the chicken give a soothing contrast of those colors when next to each other. 
Lastly, the form of the poem is interesting; usually the lines in poetry are measured in syllables, but here the lines are measured instead in words. Each stanza has one line with three words and one line with one word. But the three-word lines do not all have the same meter - half have three syllables and half have four.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop

In reading the poem "The Fish" I notice how well the author Elizabeth Bishop paints a vivid picture through words and by using the many elements of poetry. It's in this poem I see how well she draw the relationship between the fisherman and the fish. She captures this by showing their trials and tribulations and the obstacles overcome in life, to make it to this point of time that their path cross one another.  The fish who wears his obstacle with the five hooks left in his wrinkly lips and the fisherman seeking to catch the "tremedous" fish to claim his glory.

The poem reminds us of the many stages of life we experience similar obstacles and the journeys we travel to overcome them. Like the Fish, we to can become hook and and caught up in society with the superficial-materialistic things that takes us away from celebrating our accomplishments or just simply enjoying the true beauty of life and nature as a whole. If we take the time, then we will see that true beauty comes from with in and not whats on the outside. If you get thrown a hook in life or caught by one trying to derail you from the true path in life, as long as you have the strenght to keep fighting for what you believe and dream in no one can reel you in like the Fish and stop you dead in your path from reaching your rainbow in life or that moment in life you breathe the accomplishment.

In conclusion, one can say that this poem can also apply to the concept of Man verse Nature or the opposite.  Would like to hear from my scholar classmates. Please post your commentaries on this poem, I appreciate it and look forward to a fun and educationally semester with all of you!  Thanks.