Monday, May 9, 2011

"Political Poem" by Amiri Baraka

Amiri Baraka poem title "Political Poem" is a a free verse poem written and is broken down into 3 stazans. The symbol represented in this poem is "Luxury". In lines 1-7 stated:

Luxury, then, is a way of
being ignorant, comfortably
An approach to the open market
of least information. Where theories   
can thrive, under heavy tarpaulins   
without being cracked by ideas.

Amiri Baraka is telling us here that luxury has resulted in us not paying attention whats going around in the world we are lacking knowledge of everyday events and we have become comfortable in this process. Instead we should want to find out this information so we can use it. Finally, Baraka said "heavy tarpaulins without being cracked by ideas" a tarpaulins is a large sheet of strong, flexible, water-resistant material. So he is trying to say we are caught up in our luxury life that we resistant not to change our ways and ideas because we protected by the tarpaulins.

Mother to Son by Langston Hughes

The poem "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes is written in free verse. In the begin of the poem we can notice a metaphor from line 2:
"Life for me ain't been no crystal stair"
Langston Hughes in line 2 is showing here life isn't that transparent, clear, and easy going as you think. Their are obstacles, struggles, and roadblocks ahead of you that will challenge to overcome and not give up. Additionally, these obstacles, struggles, roadblocks in her life are represented in this poem as:
"It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor—
Finally, from those line above which are lines 3-7 can be understood as splinters and tacks are objects that poke away at you or preek you once you step on them its hard to pull or get them out of your life once stuck in you. Meanwhile, the boards torn up meant there are no boundries or walls protecting you or stoping you from overcoming these roadblocks in your life and no carpert on the floor-bare shown to me no one person path is laid out or set forward for them to walk no crystal stair. To sum up briefly the stairs means steps you must take in life to climb-up. Each one step should meet as a challeneges and try your best to overcome these obstacles in your life or way, because ever step up the stairs aren't easy to walk up, you never know what faces you once you make to another step ahead of you in life.