Thursday, March 31, 2011

Late February By Ted Kosser

In this poem I felt like the picture painted by Ted Kosser through his words are exactly how late February feels to me in NewYork. I point to the begin with his words:

The first warm day,   
and by mid-afternoon   
the snow is no more   
than a washing
strewn over the yards,
the bedding rolled in knots   
and leaking water,   
the white shirts lying   
under the evergreens
Here he is describing the process of the snow melting mid-afternoon and showing the effects the snow have on the cement grounds and evergreens meaning grass and plants. It is here i see how the poem shown its true effect on the first warm day of late february. Also I would point to the line that said:
But such a spring is brief;   
by five o’clock
the chill of sundown
this is true as we all wintess this year and all as young kids growing up in New York City. Meanwhile we do begin to notice the change at 5 o'clock as the sun begins to slowly go away wether your playing outside as a child or leaving work as a adult we feel the warm in the afternoon disappear to cold chills by 5 o'clock. 
To conclude Ted Kosser did a great job with his words in this poem as she paints a beautiful time of season and makes it feel like its late February in NYC that he is describing to me.