Thursday, May 26, 2011

"The Hitchhikers" by Diane Wakoski

"The Hitchhikers" by Diane Wakoski is a poem about a the speaker trying 2 find a special hitchhiker that she pick up before 2 years ago and while searching for the lost hitchhiker she realize she had a strong connection and bond with this person. Also we see her driving in her car all over to different places and comes across the unique tree with berries and starts reflecting on her road to soul search and finding herself. I notice that she have try to harm herself before from these lines:
 "In my car, is an altar, sacrificial stone and knife,
the tears of blame and understanding,
and blood; all the blood my body has lost"
Also other lines that reflect on my process and opinon on this poem are:
And they remind me
that I drive across country often, looking for your face
in each car I pass,
or which passes me, knowing you would not hitchhike, either,
thinking of the two years I spent with you,
reliving them over and over,
To conclude, the person in the poem finally realize and come to grisp that the hitchhickers you "would not want to travel with me.
You would not want to travel with me" she stated and have giving up hope on her search for more or the same hitchhiker.

1 comment:

  1. Taking things too literally, here, and also over looking lines such as "knowing you would not hitchhike"; though the speaker at one point mentions dreaming of herself as a hitchhiker, this poem is not about hitchhikers, per se--though they by chance become metaphors and symbolic of the speaker's inner conflicts... Ashley's blog on current blogs, and my comments, and also my comments on blogs from previous classes--make sure to review these before writing a journal on this poem....
